Paiement Bitcoin, Litecoin

2017-01-21 23:38

For payments as Bitcoin, Litecoin ..., I use goUrl.

1- Create an account on: (which supports a dozen coins)

2- Go to the page:

3- Section 2. Your Cryptocoin Payment Box / Captcha and click on the Create New Payment Box for Your Website button

4- configure a new Paybox for a currency and your site, or click on edit to see the IDs to retrieve

5- copy these IDs into /mods/payment/coin-gourl/bitcoin/configuration.php for bitcoin or /mods/payment/coin-gourl/litecoin/configuration.php for litecoin

    'boxID' => 1234,
    'publicKey' => '7304AAfSauBBitcoin99ATCPUBgNzLIVhGktNNCsbhOvG1OofG',
    'privateKey' => '7304AAfSauBBitcoin99ATCPRVLO4lkXpOyZUcT46M36hi8jRM',


To add a new type of corner, it is very simple:
Copy the entire directory / mods / payment / corner-gourl / bitcoin / and name it for example speedcoin
And adjust the configuration!

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