Flux PTC

2017-01-22 15:08

To add a new PTC feed, take a template on the script /mods/ptcFlux/webincentive/flux.php

1- make a file by feed.
2- this script must return a table as follows:
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['url'] = url where to send the click
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['timer'] = timer of this ptc (or 0 if multiclic)
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['ad_clics'] = number of clicks of this ptc (or 0 if timer)
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['bonus'] = gain (put a number)
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['typebonus'] = pts or cash
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['banniere'] = url of the banner
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['width'] = banner width
        $tablePTC[$prefixFlux.$fid]['height'] = banner height


3- Insert this feed, into the general feed.

In the file: /mods/ptcFlux/ptcflux.php
Add line:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/directory feed/flux.php';
example : require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/webincentive/flux.php';

Example for web-incentive that is pre-installed, where you just have to set some variables:

File: /mods/ptcFlux/webincentive/flux.php

$activation_wf_multiclic = 1;//1 to enable multiclic ads
$activation_wf_timer = 1;//1 to enable multiclic ads
$identifiant_wf = 'idWF';//your Web-Incentive ID
$timerPTC_wf = 5;//timer of this ptc (or 0 if multiclic)
$typebonusPTC_wf = 'pts';//pts or cash
$bonusPTC_wf = 5;//win for your member (put a number)
$prefixFlux = 'wf';//put a unique Prefix for each PTC

To subscribe to web-incentive, follow this link

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