Bonus OfferWall

2018-11-11 17:44

An OfferWall is pre-installed with the script.
This is clixwall (click to register)

There are 2 steps to install an Offerwall.
!! Attention: the id of the Bonus must be the same on the configuration, and on the database.
The id appears in admin, so no worries.

1- From admin, Payments/Bonus

Add bonus company, and indicate:
Name of Bonus:
Shortcut: (or just the name of the bonus)
Path to this bonus:
Configuration or path to file

2- Add the files to manage the bonus in /mods/bonus

A configuration file, unless you put the configuration in the admin. Example: /mods/bonus/clixwall/configuration.php
A postback processing file. Example: /mods/bonus/clixwall/postback.php
A file that displays the Offerwall. Example: /mods/bonus/clixwall/offerwall.tpl

3- Set the postback URL on the bonus site. For Clixwall, put in Postack URL : http://yoursite/mods/bonus/clixwall/postback.php

Your /postback.php file will just have to send the right data to /mods/bonus/fonctionsPostback.php

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